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Old Projects


Exposing the Truth Behind Offshore Development

My interest in offshore development in general, and within the former USSR in particular, led me to implement an experiment. The results of this experiment are both amusing and insightful...

TSEPM, Nov. 1999 (Local copy)

Why your next offshore project is going to fail

Various offshore projects have their own features, but some common mistakes get repeated again and again. This paper describes the worst and most frequently made ones.

Some Rules of the Offshore Development (PDF)



"To change the addiction, you'll have to use something more powerful than logic."
G.M. Weinberg
Quality Software Management: Volume 3, Congruent Action
(New York: Dorset House Publishing, 1994) p.116


Twelve years ago I had written my first program in Fortran. I was delighted with the possibility to transform a text written by a human in a sequence of rational actions executed by a computer. Right from the beginning I was interested in one other magic too. This was a process in the human's head that transformed unclear ideas into the strict text of a program. All this years I studied humans working with the computer...

NOTE: This text is obsolete.

PDF and HTML (generated from LaTeX)

The Dragon of The Source Code

Old DRAFT version of "The Dragon of The Source Code" (aka. "Cognitive Complexity Reduction") is available in PDF and HTML (generated from LaTeX)

Other texts

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© Vitaly Rudovich